


The Kitchener-Waterloo RASC Centre adheres to the National Privacy Policy with the addition of membership list distribution below.

As a member of the Kitchener-Waterloo RASC Centre please be aware of the following regarding your privacy and personal information.

  • Your name, address, telephone number, and if available, e-mail address, and other membership-related data, is collected from a report sent to the Centre every month from National Office. There will be a condensed version of the Membership list, containing name, city, phone number and email address only. This will be available on the KW-RASC Centre Members Only Page. This will be available to all KW-RASC Centre members ONLY.

  • The purpose of the Membership List is to assist local centre members with contacting each other and coordinating their Astronomy-related activities. This list is also used for mailing Newsletters used by the Executive and Committee Chairs to contact Members individually or collectively for various Centre-related purposes. The Membership List is not a public document.

  • A KW-RASC user name and password are required to view this information The Membership List is not available to anyone else. It is not for sale, or distribution.

  • It you do not wish to have any of your contact information published on the available condensed Membership List for members please contact the Webmaster or Executive to have your name put on an exclusion list.

  • If you wish to review or change either your contact information or membership status, please visit the National Office membership page.

Passed by Council - November 10, 2009.