Location : 2574 Hackbart Rd, Wellesley, ON N0B 2T0 https://maps.app.goo.gl/HHqKEGn25yi3vneq7
The Site's location is: 43.521794, -80.714011
43� 31' 18.77" or in decimal 43.521794 degrees N.
80� 42' 50.05" or in decimal 80.714011 degrees W.
Elevation is 415.2 m or 1362.3 feet.
Be respectful: Avoid loud behavior and don't litter. No alcohol!
Be considerate: Turn off your phone or set it to night mode. Keep it away from other people's eyes.
Use red light: Use a red flashlight or headlamp to get around. Red light is less obtrusive than white light and helps you retain your night vision.
Be mindful of others: Don't set up too close to another observer. If you need to leave early, let others know.
Be aware of headlights: Avoid using your headlights after dusk. Even the reflection of headlights can ruin your dark adaptation. If you must use your headlights, park facing away from observers.